WildFlower Productions/WildPepper Studios premiered a sitcom titled “University of Cruise” on ROK TV on October 7, 2023. The 13-episode sitcom follows the lives, loves, and adventures of seven diverse student friends as they navigate friendships, love, independence, and finances at a private university in Lagos.
The sitcom features an ensemble cast of up-and-coming Nollywood stars, including Amanda Dara, Nancy Ameh, Solomon Mike, Chisom Onwuegbuzia, Scott Obilo, Esther Agunbiade, Vine Olugu, Agelina Idoko, Judah Michael, and Folarin Ayeni. The sitcom also features Nollywood star Mercy Johnson Okojie and music artist Ric Hassani In the latest episode of “University of Cruise,” the students go to extreme lengths to get what they want. Determined to beat Campus baddie Nikki Killa at her own game, Flo and Soma take on different challenges to become Insta famous. Jacob and Soma’s romance continues to take new twists and turns. Is there an end to this game of love?
University of Cruise” airs every Saturday on ROK TV on DSTV at 9 p.m.WAT/10 p.m. CAT and ROK UK at 9:30 p.m. WAT/10:30 p.m. CAT. You can catch the repeats on Monday mornings at 9 a.m. WAT/10 am CAT, Wednesday afternoons at 4 p.m. WAT/5 p.m. CAT, and Friday nights at 9:30 pm WAT/10:30 pm CAT!