Actress opens up about single parenting struggles

During an interview with Biola Bayo on her podcast, Talk To B, Akintunde shared her view, stating that single parenthood is not a situation anyone hopes for, but rather a circumstance that can arise unexpectedly.

Bimpe advised men to take responsibility whenever they put a woman in a family way.
“Single mum isn’t what anyone prays for; there is nothing that kills a woman faster than single parenting. Men are polygamous in nature. Any man that puts a lady in a family way, whether knowingly or unknowingly, should take responsibility”.
Bimpe further revealed that whenever people meet her, they are surprised at how calm and nice she is, unlike her movie characters.
The mother of one made it known that Wasila Coded is just a character, and Bimpe Akintunde is her name.
“When people meet me, they are like they don’t know I am this calm nice and think I am always breaking bottles, but I told them Wasila Coded is just a character, Bimpe Akintunde is my name”.


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