Play Network Studios has unveiled the official trailer for his upcoming first original Netflix title, “Blood Vessel.”
Directed by Moses Inwang, the survival drama is set to star Adaobi Lilian Dibor, David Ezekiel, Levi Chikere, Obinna Okenwa, Slyvester Ekanem, Alex Budin, Bimbo Manuel, Ebele Okaro, John Dumelo, Pere Egbi, Francis Duru, Rene Mena, Oyibo Rebel, Haillies Sumney, Katerina Ataman, and Alexa Iniye.
“Blood Vessel” is the latest movie produced by Play Network Studios since Charles Okpaleke’s partnership with Namibia’s Mondjila Studios for the film “The Skeleton Coast.”
is one of the many new titles in the works at Play Network Studios. Others include “Glamour Girl,” “Hijack 93,” “The Six,” “Diamond Ring,” “King Jaja of Opobo,” and “Shina Rambo.”
Blood Vessel will make its debut premiere on Netflix on December 8, 2023.