Funke Akindele’s work ethics scary – Actor Moshood Fattah

Actress Funke Akindele has responded to the praises showered on her by her junior colleague, Moshood Fattah, during a recent interview.

In the interview with Chude Jideonwo, Moshood who was among the cast of Battle on Buka Streets shared his unforgettable experience working alongside Funke in the movie.

Moshood who has worked with various talented directors in theater, television, and film productions, described Funke’s work as a true “Masterclass.” He marveled at her multitasking ability of Funke Akindele, citing instances where she was simultaneously acting, directing, and making decisions about costumes on set. He expressed both awe and inspiration at her unparalleled work ethic.

“In my entire life, I have worked with great directors, on stage, television, and film, but watching Funke’s work is a Masterclass. She is in the mud, with no shoes, doing a scene, she is directing, she is making decisions on someone’s costume and then she goes into action. And am like how do you do that? She is a multitasking genius. Watching her work, that is someone the world needs to study. And she’s incredibly balanced. Her work ethic scares me, but it inspires me. You can’t be fancy about the work if you don’t want to do the work,” Moshood remarked.

In response to Moshood’s generous praise, Funke expressed her gratitude. She acknowledged his kind words and expressed her pride in being an inspiration to others through her strong work ethic.

“Thank you @moshoodattah for your kind words. I’m glad that my work ethic is an inspiration to many,” Funke conveyed.

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