Put God First – Zaaki Azzay

 I was with Zaaki Azzay was recently in Abuja and he talked about his projects and life. He encouraged young Artist to put their trust
in God. The popular musician also talked about his TV station and Award. Read excerpts below;
 How has life been?

 Life is fine. I have
been all over the media. I have a new song now titled “Invigilator” I am also
working on the Award of my TV station “The True Nigerians TV Programme”.
You just released a new album. Let’s talk about it.
The song is title “Invigilator”. It is right now the
number three on the chat in Lagos and most of the channels. I hope that the
full album will be out in December.
So what should your fans expect when the album is out?
Well, I have not so far disappointed my fans especially
with my albums or my songs so far but  It
is  by the Grace of God not by my strength,
so always expect the unexpected.

                                       Funny Bruno, Zaaki Azzay and Emilia Emeka-Nwamadi

What is your advice to upcoming Artists?
For me I am able to get this far because I put God first, I
work hard. Always try to be different. Don’t do what everybody
is doing, that something is in vogue does not mean that it fits you. Just do
whatever you are comfortable with and you’ll have followership.

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